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Archive for the ‘America’ Category

The blood of innocent aborted babies cries out to God from the ground

Blood has a voice according to the Bible. When Cain killed Able God came to Cain and ask him, “where is your brother Able” Cain replied, “am I my brothers keeper?” Then God said his Blood Cries out to me from the ground. And you know the rest of the story as written in Genesis. God put a Mark on Cain so others would not kill him. (Genesis 4)

God said now you are under a curse from the ground which opened its mouth to receive your brothers blood from your hand.

America has been under a curse ever since Roe v Wade became the law of the land. Estimates range from sixty to seventy MILLION BABIES have been murdered since that dreadful day on January 22, 1973. Today hope is on the horizon as it appears it will finally be overturned in June and that curse will be lifted.

What has the curse entailed? Since that time immorality and every kind of evil has skyrocketed. Pornography is rampant across the land with America being the number one producer and distributer across the entire world. Homosexuality has been pushed on the public even to the point of making gay marriage legal in most places with the American government pushing it across the world. Murder has become normal in Chicago and other major cities with killing of law enforcement personnel and gangs robbing and looting stores from coast to coast. Transgenderism is being pushed to new heights with progressives wanting even children to question who they are and displaying homosexuals dressed up as women reading stories to children in schools and libraries. I could go on but I know you get the picture of the moral collapse of America.

How can all this evil exist? How can there be no justice? How can so many get away with corruption? Why does the elite get away with pedophilia with little or no response from the public? It happens for this reason, are you ready for the answer?

The evil is energized by murder and the shedding of innocent blood. Demons and principalities get their power from blood, the murdered blood of children and others to possess the sinful people to act and react to turn society and the nation upside down with corruption and wickedness.

Overturning Roe v Wade will break the curse for the most part and justice will begin. Even though abortion will still happen and states can decide, the majority will make the decisions of roe v wade reverse and become a thing of the past. Main stream media wants you to believe the lies told that the public approves of abortion but that’s a lie. Younger generations surveyed prove they don’t believe in the killing of innocent babies. The horrible situation is many very young are getting abortions, I mean like 12, 13, 14 and 15 year old girls are getting pregnant and having abortions. How sad for our nations youth to be so sexually activate and parents looking the other way. Our nation is sick, sick with sins that cause destruction. The curse will be broken and then many will turn to God in their time of need.

The demonic elite and the far left will raise hell in protest and create all kinds of problems and lies so there will be plenty of backlash blown out of proportion of course by the media but still roe v wade will be overturned and hopefully this nation will turn from its wicked ways and see the light.

Don’t let your mate keep you from God

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. ( Matthew 24:37) We must love God more than anyone or anything, more than our father, our mother, our children, even our mate.

Luke chapter 12 states: Do you think that I came to provide peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

The one who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and the one who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. (Matthew 10:37) And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.

Shocking statements from Jesus giving you a heads up that putting anyone or anything above God first is folly and makes us live a selfish and sinful life. For many loving the world will be their doom. Loving money, your job, sports teams, entertainment, cars, homes, sex, and any worldly pleasure before loving Jesus and the Father is just wrong.

Do you begin your day with prayer and thanksgiving ending your day the same way? Or does the worries of the world choke out the love, joy, peace and faith and willingness to serve God in your life?

Now by all means you should love your mate and children and family with all your heart but not more than your Creator who loves you more than any human could possibly love you. The One who loves you so much that he sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

If God knows the number of hairs on your head don’t you think He knows your heart and knows your needs? Don’t you realize He has a plan for your life when He said “ For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.(Jeremiah 29:11) “

You should know the signs of the times and how close we are to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Make an effort to surrender totally to Jesus. Ask Him to help you where you lack faith and confidence and spend everyday living Holy without which we will not see the kingdom of God. It’s not impossible you know. When you blow it just repent from your heart and move forward.

John 10 says the word of faith is in your heart and in your mouth that if you believe that Jesus is Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead and speak it out with your mouth you will be saved for all who call on the name of the Lord He will in no way cast out. All must come to repentance and confess Jesus. He loves you and will be with you forever.

Pray sincerely and ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and fire and give you a new heart. He will do it and won’t give you something else. Then you will begin to know Him and what the Holy Spirit is saying to the body of Christ today. Study and read your Bible and don’t be ignorant of the true message of the Gospel. Forget about what’s going on in the world with rumors of war and political upheaval, just believe the word of God when He said “ I will never leave you nor forsake you even to the end of the age….

Unbelief and It’s Consequences


God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. The problem in simple terms is that all men and women actually know there is a God of the universe, yet they suppress that truth in unrighteousness acts and deeds. One of the most remarkable things about humans is that everyone knows there is a God. How does everyone know this fact; because God has made it evident to every human being that has ever lived? Exactly! “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.(Romans 1:20)”  The real problem is they don’t honor Him as God, or even give thanks for that matter. Those kinds of people become futile in their speculations or more clearly; vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart is darkened. Those are the kind of people who profess to be wise and educated, but actually become fools. They call evil good and good evil with their darkened hearts. Romans goes on the state they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.  It all goes back to not honoring God as God. No fear of God and judgments or rewards of God to His children, thus they worship and serve evil and sin.

Those who decide to reject God and His Son Y’Shua Jesus the Messiah, will eventually be given over to degrading passions, like sexual perversions of all sorts including homosexuality so those people will dishonor their own bodies. Then God gives them over to depraved minds who commit every form of evil and murder. Look around in the world right now, in cities and neighborhoods all over the world, what do you see? Morality is in the tank in most every place you look, in every country in the world. And where is the world headed but into chaos on every front. You see when people reject Jesus as Lord and refuse to believe in God, eventually, their hearts gets hard and they are turned over to whatever they love; and in every case it is some sort of evil.

In Noah’s day the world was full of every form of perversion and violence, and Jesus said that’s the way it will be when He returns in the Second Coming. We are almost there. What are the signs of a depraved mind? Someone what is filled with unrighteousness. This includes wickedness, greed, evil, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; people who are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, people who are without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving and unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who Practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but give hearty approval to those who practice them (Romans 1:29-32).

So you see unbelief is not just saying someone is an agnostic or atheist or an unbeliever; unbelief has major consequences to every human being. God is so loving and merciful and gives every person a chance and opportunity to find him, but in the end, someone who does not honor Him as God, meaning Jesus the Son and the Father, will eventually fall into every sort of evil and perversion, not to mention receiving the due penalty of their error and at the end of time be cast into the lake of fire reserved for the devil and his angels. Today is the day of salvation, repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved and spend eternity with Him in heaven.

Judge the evil and the evil people for what they are and stay away from them. John says those who practice evil are evil. Don’t judge you say? That is taken totally out of context and evil people use it to try to shame Christians into accepting tolerance and every sin. When Romans 2:1 says passing judgment on those evil sinners are without excuse because some that judge practice the same things and are without excuse. This includes religious and legalistic people who claim to be Christians and saved but are unsaved because of unbelief that faith in Jesus alone saves you and makes you born again. This would also include backslidden Christians living in the world and not living in grace and thankfulness to God who redeemed them. Don’t think there is no consequence for sinning or doing evil because you were once saved and born again.  Think of the times in your life when all hell broke loose because you were not serving God and were backslidden in your heart. It happened to me and it has happened to you as well. God loves us so, he disciplines us until we repent and get back on the right track. In fact Romans 2:9 says “There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also to the Greek, but glory and honor and peace to every man who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for there is no partiality with God.” So which would you rather have? Ok, then keep your heart and mind clean and stop being lazy and pray daily and God will protect your heart. Now there are times of testing which is worth more than gold, then we must prove ourselves when temptation and trials come and remain faithful that God is who He says He is and will bring us through every trial and safely home. But that is not tribulation and distress for doing evil, when you practice sin that’s what happens. Now I didn’t say when you slip up and sin as we all do, the bible says when you practice sin you will have tribulation and distress.

Another verse evil sinners and legalistic religious people just love to use out of context is Matthew 7:1-5 which says “Do not judge lest you be judged by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. And looking at the speck in your brother’s eye when there is a log in yours. First remove the log in your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers eye. What is Jesus saying? Don’t be a hypocrite when you’re doing the same thing or worse. And don’t judge your brother or sister in Christ who are born again. It’s the same thing as we talked about in Romans 2. Jesus never said not to judge evil and evil acts or fruit of a person! In fact you are to judge the fruit of someone, what they are producing in their lives and acts of evil or people of evil as it says “from such people turn away.” Not the sinners, because we are suppose to be teaching them and leading them to Christ, obviously, we don’t hang out with sinners because bad morals corrupt. But those who claim to be Christians and are practicing evil or preaching another gospel, we do judge those works. Interestingly Jesus called some people ravenous wolves, false prophets, vipers and judged their fruit in the same book. My point is simple; don’t fall into the trap when people yell at you “don’t judge” when they want you to compromise with their sin and show tolerance to every act of perversion which is taking place on the earth today in every form.

Unbelief has consequences. For your soul when you don’t believe that faith in Jesus alone gives you eternal life through grace, in your health when you don’t believe God heals, in your finances when you don’t believe God provides, in you trials when you don’t believe God will see you through, in your weakness when you don’t believe God delivers, in your temptations, when you don’t believe God will rescue you if you resist, on and on it goes. If we all examine ourselves, there are areas in all of our lives we can do better and decide to believe no matter what. Fasting is one way to rid you of unbelief and hear God better. We don’t fast enough. Fasting does not make you better in God’s eyes or give you favor; but what it does is open you up to hear God better and gets rid of unbelief. Praying in the Spirit is another and most important is spending time reading and studying the word of God. We must all get stronger and stronger in the Lord and the power of His might as perilous times are here and coming. It’s His power, not ours, His glory not ours, His grace that will see us through. There is none righteous, no not one, but yet we are the righteousness in Christ. We have all sinned and some of us have sinned way more than others, but the blood of Jesus cleans us all not matter what we have done, there is nothing that faith in Jesus shed blood cannot heal and cover. Jesus became sin for us so we don’t have to be lost or pay for our sins as that is what all of us deserve, but Jesus paid it all, all to Him we owe. Some day we will all be with Him if we only repent and believe…….




God’s not Dead but the Majority of Churches are..

There are three main reasons why people go to church religiously: Guilt, Habit or Hunger. With guilt people know they have messed up and feel unworthy. They go instinctively to meet the One who can forgive them and change them, but instead of finding a connection and a real personal relationship with God most of the time they’re only presented with ritual and rules in the modern or traditional way. The power and presence of God is not in the services.

With Habit, finding or seeking God may not even be a goal because they are so entrenched in the religious system of the world or their denomination that the result is only going through the motions of a walk with the Lord because there is no power in their lives to fight against the enemy. They look and act just like the people in the world; the unsaved throughout the week then put on their Christian badge on Sunday so everyone can see. The presence of God is nowhere in their lives nor do they care to even enter in to His presence. They are happy just the way things are and the desire to really know God is not there.

Hunger: they want to know more about God and go to church to learn, but instead of finding His presence, they’re often presented with traditions, habits, rules, and dogmas and other nonsense that has nothing to do with finding the presence of God. Why? Because most churches that don’t preach and teach the fullness of the gospel totally and in the power. They might as well call themselves the Country Club.

Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying don’t go to church but don’t go to a dead church where they don’t preach the fullness of Jesus Christ and there is no presence of God by His Holy Spirit in worship and teachings.

Many are now having home bible study with worship and prayer and fellowship right in the homes where Gods Holy Spirit can freely move and teach without denominational doctrine. There is only one true doctrine and that’s the Apostles doctrine as written in the Holy Bible. Isn’t it strange the Bible says “no man needs to teach you? “And as for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But just as His true and genuine anointing teaches you about all things, so remain in Him as you have been taught.”(1 Jn 2:27) Read and study the word and the Holy Spirit will teach you. Now if you don’t have the anointing of the Holy Spirit you must seek it through prayer and faith in Jesus Christ otherwise how can the anointing teach you? The anointing is the filling or fullness of the Holy Spirit.

The true word for church is “Ecclesia” which simply means a gathering in a group of like minded people not just going to a building to practice a religion. God does not wait around for a week waiting for you to show up so you can have church! He does not live in a building or temple made with hands, He lives in our hearts and spirit by His Holy Spirit! The kingdom of God is within you and not of this world.

Church is not and was never supposed to be a substitute for a everyday direct relationship between you and God. 99% of all your battles in life are outside the church building in real life and you cannot run to a building every time there is a problem, no no you run to God immediately in prayer and converse with Him and read the word. We must all practice walking in the light daily, seeking His will for our lives and pray the Lord’s Prayer when we rise up in the mornings without fail and then talk with Him throughout the day as you would to a friend. When you blow it and sin and you will, repent quickly and don’t run away from God instead run to Him as He is merciful and forgives as soon as you come to Him and repent. We all need to repent and forgive daily and walk in His light and follow His word. Now you know perilous times have begun and horrible things are on the horizon, but God is with us and Jesus will never forsake you, ever…..Lift up you family, friends, city and nation in prayer and don’t let you love grow cold because lawlessness abounds, instead take everything to God in prayer…

Is Homosexuality off the Sin List? 

So do we take homosexuality off the sin list now? How about adultery or fornication? How about pedophilia? Perhaps polygamy.
The sin list varies greatly by individuals and churches. So how is it that the government and the courts get to decide what you can believe, or how you behave based on your personal beliefs or religion?
Tell me the difference between what’s going on now and what was going on under Hitler. Now the hatred isn’t just towards the Jews; you can now add in all bible believing Christian’s into the mix.
Oh but wait, the “one percenters”, you know the multi-million dollar Corporations like Facebook, Twitter and even Starbucks? Now they get to tell you what and how to believe or else. Not exactly freedom of speech or religion anymore is it?
 Try getting a Muslim bakery to plan your gay wedding or take pictures,  they won’t do it. Ah, but that’s ok, they are Muslims (and would stone every gay person in America if they could get away with it.) It’s just the dirty rotten Jews or Christians. Such hypocrisy in America its beyond sickening.
I have a couple of gay friends. I have a gay cousin. I also have gay nieces. Do I hate them all? Please…don’t be stupid? Of course not, but to hear the media explain it; every bible believing Christian hates gay’s and the LBGT community. What everyone really hates is the cruel and unusual punishment received by any class of citizen based upon their beliefs and religion, whether it’s loss of business, money or harassment in any form. What people really hate is the Hypocrisy from government and the public whether it’s directed to or from the gay or straight communities or towards individuals.
Everyone just wants to tell Christian’s to “shut up and feed the poor” and stay out of all other social issues and government, please…
Look, if I believe the entire bible and hold to every word as truth and do my best to follow the teachings, then I will always believe homosexuality, adultery and fornication are sins and each person must make the choice whether to sin or not. To repent or not. To believe or not. But if I own a bakery, or  Pizza parlor or photography studio or any other business, I’m certainly not going to go against my beliefs in the Bible and what I feel deep in my heart to be right for the sake of compromise. In all things I must answer to God first and not man.
In the same vein, if I cannot get what I want from a business, I simply go to one who meets my needs. Come on how hard is that to do? No it’s about making a statement  even to the point of ruining lives and families; just for the sake of making a statement and proving ones point, never mind the human cost involved.
The media has done a masterful job of turning gay’s against Christians because they don’t agree with their lifestyle. Things have turned from tolerance to totalitarianism concerning the LBGT community. From acceptance and getting along to in your face radical fascism. Scare tactics work well among a politically correct society. Now that gay marriage is the law of the land will the gay community show tolerance towards those who disagree, I think not; in fact I think every effort will now be made in the courts to shove the gay agenda in the face of every facet in our society without regard to the consequences.
At the end of the day what matters is loving God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself. We will all stand before our creator some day and be judged or not depending if JESUS knew us as He said “you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That judgment is for every single person who ever lived, and the outcome is solely based on choices made in this life….,

What’s all this personal relationship with Jesus stuff?

What is all this personal relationship business people say you must have with Christ? I remember my good Baptist friends would say that to me and I would answer no, you have to get baptized. Which they would reply; we do after we get saved. Turns out they were right on that point; everyone must have a personal relationship with Jesus.  In the Day of Judgment Jesus said to those on the left “Depart from me, I never knew you, to which many said wait a minute (inferred) didn’t I do many mighty works in your name? Jesus said depart from me I never knew you.

Why did he say that? If you live with a person, you will have a personal relationship with them and so it is, to live with Jesus is to have a personal relationship with Him. Many today profess with their mouth that they are Christians, but in their heart they are far, far away from Him. You may think you’re saved but in truth, you are not saved at all. How is this possible when you went too or still go to church and walked the isle and prayed a prayer to get saved? It happens because there was no real true repentance from the heart; it was just an act of religion. It happens because there was no commitment to Jesus really from the heart. It happens because there was no resolve to take up your cross daily and follow Jesus. It happens because you were not willing to Truly Repent which means to turn around from your pass sins and lifestyle, it means you walked out that church door or meeting wherever it was the same as when you came in and returned to the same ole sins you have been practicing all your life. Nothing really changed.

Jesus said “Count the cost” and you did and decided to try to live with one foot in the world and one foot in Christianity which won’t work. God said if you are neither hot nor cold He will spit you out of His mouth. How many will hear “depart from me, I never knew you?” Mixed in is the belief or should I say Unbelief that you were unsure if Jesus Really is the Son of God or if His shed blood really does cleanse you and covers all your sins. Maybe it was all an act on your part to please someone else or perhaps play the “church” game and show (pretending of course) that you’re all that in the community and known for being a good person, (though you know inside that is far from the truth.)

All this talk of a personal relationship really does mean something, just like any personal relationships you have in life mean something. In this case with Jesus, it means giving up your life, letting go and trusting with your whole heart, placing yourself in the hands of the creator, the lover of your life, the redeemer of your soul, who died for you. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Jesus says “take my yoke upon you and learn of me and you will find REST for your soul. That means all the stress and worries and heartaches and tension within you will come to a peace deep inside you in your soul and spirit and finally you will be at peace with yourself. Jesus also said you must be Born Again to enter the kingdom of God. Do you think anyone at judgment who are told to depart from Jesus and He never knew them were born again? Absolutely NOT! You know something, you know if you have been born again inside, it’s no game and you will answer in judgments; don’t kid or deceive yourself.

Knowing your spirit is born again is simple to discern. If the eyes of your heart don’t see things differently than before, if there was no real change that took place in your lifestyle, if you are buried in the same sins as before, if you still treat others badly and hate some, if you still carry all kinds of unforgiveness  to those who have offended you and if you spend zero time praying and studying the word and don’t worship God from your heart, there is NO WAY your born again, your just deceiving yourself or the devil is deceiving you. A born again person has the witness in themselves the bible says.

Have you shared Jesus with anyone? How many have you led to repentance? Freely you have been given so freely give to others. Eternal life is a free gift of God. None of us deserve anything as we are all sinners, but if we are saved by Gods grace through faith in Jesus then we ought to act like it. If God did not spare the angels, how much more will those who deny such a great salvation are judged in the end? Salvation is not something to take lightly as you were bought with a heavy price, the blood of the Son of God! A born again person does not practice sin. Hello, John states those who practice sin are of the devil and you know them by their fruits. I am amazed at all the people I know who fit this category that claim to be saved and Christians. Baloney, they have affairs, get drunk or do drugs, are addicted to porn, hate others and love the world and money and practice these things and they say they are saved? Baloney, Jesus doesn’t know them and they are headed to a burning lake of fire unless they repent and trust Jesus from their heart. How do I know this? The bible says so and I was formerly just like them, but by the mercy of God. I came to the end of myself and was born of the Spirit of God, bless Jesus.

Please examine your own life and do right and believe Jesus must Know You or He will say depart from me, I never knew you. Sometimes true born again souls slip up and fall into sin, but come back to God in full repentance. He is faithful and just to forgive our sins if we ask Him. I am afraid for all those who think they are saved but are not even born again. Some play the church game, some are so bound up in religion and works, their souls are parched dry, yet they continue to be bound up in legalism instead of the free gift of grace. Still others who know grace live like the people in the world and practice sin of every kind.

I am scared for all my friends and family members whose only concern is money and the things of the world. God says if you love the world, then the love of the father is not in you. What a statement! How could that be? It’s because God is a jealous God and the love of anything before him is IDOL worship and putting other things before Him. We’re only human you say? No, that is wrong, we are spirit as well and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth. The fight within us is a fight against our own flesh and the devil. We must take control of our own flesh and say no and resist the devil and he will flee from us.

Think you can live a Christian life without praying and renewing your mind by reading and/or hearing the word? You can’t, so don’t even pretend. So what is the answer; to have a personal relationship with God the Father and Jesus the Son. How do we do that? Like any other relationship we have. Spend time with Him! Communicate with Him! Talk to Him 24/7 in your heart, He is right there with you all the time. How is that possible? His Spirit is inside you, the Holy Spirit if you are born again! So when you think or talk Gods Spirit inside you has instant communication with the Father! Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world! And if the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside you, then He who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal body through the Spirit that dwells in you! That’s why we grieve the Holy Spirit when we sin because we carry God with us at all times and He knows even our innermost thoughts and everything we do!

But God is not waiting for us to mess up and then beat us with a big stick, He loves us so much and wants the best for our lives and gives us a future and a hope! A personal relationship? You bet, and we know His voice so listen for Him in your quiet times. Surrender to Jesus with your whole heart and ask the Holy Spirit in and be born again. Then on judgment day Jesus will say; come you blessed of my Father and enter into the rest that has been prepared for you since the beginning of time…..

Bastard Generation

Bastard Generation

In Deuteronomy 23:2 it states “No one who of illegitimate birth shall enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendents, even to the Tenth Generation, shall enter the assembly of the Lord.” And again in Hebrews 12:8, “But if you are without discipline, of which we have all become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.”

Ten generations is a long, long time. Today, there are so many illegitimate births in the world, its mind boggling. My two youngest kids are from the “Me” generation with ages in the early twenties. I would be hard pressed to find any of their friends who have not had illegitimate children. This is the norm in that generation. Those born in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Not only do they have children without marriage, but as my daughter told me every single one of her close net friends have had an abortion and several more than once and multiple times. This generation does not know God and as Isaiah quotes about Israel back in the day, they are a bastard generation who know not God. Illegitimate children to God and birthing children who are illegitimate, that is; for the lucky ones who are spared the murder of abortion.

The parents of this generation are for the most part Godless as well, who traded in walking with God into walking without God. Parents who grew to love the world and the things of the world and leaving the God of their parent’s generation to serve man and sin and the devil. Parents who not only lost their fear of God and practice sin, but unloving parents of their own children never giving a second thought about their souls and the souls of their kids. Parents who openly do drugs and even drink with their own children and for many families losing their kids to the world of drugs and immorality. Many toss them out on the street because they are so out of control, no wonder with the lifestyle their parents live. Then the cycle gets even worse as the “Me’ generation try to fend for themselves. The majority of them without even a high school education; because they loved drugs and immorality and self abasement more than getting their education. Locked into the welfare system without much hope of ever being able to take care of themselves or their children, unless they get government assistance. Many still living at home into their 30’s with bastard children and grandparents trying to raise their grandchildren because their own kids are inept at being parents. And now the babies of those generations are doomed and without hope without God.

The curse of sins and the sins of our forefathers go down four generations according to the bible, but the curse of illegitimate birth goes down ten generations.  Hidden in the blood lines of unsuspecting people, lies the plan of Satan to corrupt and destroy humans blocking the blessings of the Lord and creating generations without knowing and feeling God’s true love. Symptoms of never belonging, whether it’s a family or church or even at the work place even though some are born again. They bounce around and never settle and are never at peace in their hearts.

We live in the church age and the age of grace or these unruly children would be taken out and stoned like in the Old Testament. But because God loves us so much, He had a plan and that plan was the sacrifice of His sinless Son Jesus Christ. His blood alone cleans all our sin and we are forever His when we repent and confess Jesus as Lord and invite Him to come in and live in our hearts. Some generational curses still must be dealt with and be broken. Because Jesus was cursed because he hung on a tree according to the bible, all curses can be broken in Jesus name even back ten generations.

I implore you to break the bastard curse, the illegitimate curse by speaking it out in Jesus name back to ten generations. Many have the curse in their bloodline and have no idea what happened ten generations ago. Break the curse over yourself and your children and your grandchildren in the name of Jesus and you will actually see a difference in their actions almost immediately. Speak it out in faith laying hands on yourself and others and even anoint your head with oil with a touch. What have you got to lose? But you have lots to gain.

Jesus took our sins and our curses when He died for us on Calvary, now by faith and prayer, speaking it out loud, break the curse of illegitimacy over your bloodline to the tenth generation………

Turkey, the throne of Satan…

TURKEY, the throne of Satan…..

The last days will be full of wars as the Islamic Muslim nations gather for war against Israel, and the leader of the pack will be Turkey where the anti-christ will appear on the scene.

Revelation 2:12,13 says: “And to the Angel (messenger) at Pergamum write: “I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is; and you hold fast My name and did not deny My faith even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

Pergamum is smack dab in the middle of Turkey and became the center of culture in the Hellenistic period for over 150 years. The famous Altar of Zeus was in Pergamum.

Every single solitary country the Bible states the wrath of God comes against on behalf of Israel are Islamic Muslim nations. The day of the Lord as described in Ezekiel 30 list Cush (Sudan), and Put (Libya and North Africa), and Lud (Turkey), and all Arabia, and Libya and all the people that that are in league with them. Zephaniah 2 states that the entire southwest modern region of Israel including the Gaza Strip will be utterly ruined.  “For Gaza shall be deserted and Ashkelon shall become a desolation; Ashdod’s people shall be driven out at noon, and Ekron shall be uprooted. Woe to you inhabitants of the seacoast, you nation of the Cherethites!” Now you know why the Jews were made to leave the Gaza Strip, as God did not want them there when he delivers His wrath.

The Arab Spring is nothing more than preparing the nations of Satan and the armies of those countries to make war with Israel. The stupidity of the governments of the world thinking they are marching for democracy is so ridiculous as the Muslim Brotherhood have already taken control and are in the process of implementing Shari Law against the will of their own people. And it’s not over yet; several more countries are in line to do the same. The Lord also lists other nations for destruction in Joel 3 which are essentially Lebanon and the Gaza Strip; can you say Hezbollah and Hamas?

In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue of the man, I believe that most Bible Scholars of End Time Prophesy have it wrong on the legs of iron. The legs of Iron are the Islamic Caliphate not the restored Roman Empire! The Islamic Caliphate conquered the entire region of his dream as the next kingdom, not the Roman Empire. The feet of mixed iron and clay are the restored Islamic caliphate headquartered in Turkey. Since the feet are mixed and divided, it’s easy to point out that that kingdom is none other than the Shi’a (the minority sect 14% of all Muslims) and the Sunnis, (The majority sect, 86% of all Muslims).

This division has been defined from the earliest days of Islam. The Sunnis feel the successor ship to Muhammad’s companions, or the Sahabah is theirs alone. The Shi’a Muslims feel that the successor ship belongs to Muhammad’s relatives. Mohammed believed that he could unite them through the advocacy of monotheistic religion, but he failed. You see the curse of Genesis prevents that unity. In Genesis 16:10-12 God made a covenant with Ishmael and He gave them the land east of Israel and stated that the Arab peoples would be like wild donkeys and always be in conflict with each other. They have been fighting each other since that time.

Ezekiel 38:21 says a sword will be summoned against Gog (which is Turkey, not Russia) and that every man’s sword will be against his brother i.e.; Sunni’s against Shi’a’s. If you look on a map of the Islamic Caliphate (c. 632-1923) you will see the all the nations that will be under full control of the anti-christ (not the whole world) and the nations who will join in and come against Israel under the control of the revived Islamic Caliphate. Israel will never be defeated, never !

What about America in the last days? Although nothing is specifically mentioned in the Bible linking America (unless you consider the wings on the Lion who separate) I have two thoughts. One is; America is no longer relevant as a world power and no longer the leader economically in the world and is perhaps not the America of old, but has gone the way of Europe into socialism and her economy has collapsed and her people riot and roam the streets killing and being killed or perhaps defeated in war with China or Russia or Islamic terrorist kill the her spirit. The other thought is America finally repents and comes back to the God after much judgment upon her (economic collapse, tremendous natural disasters and nationwide riots and lawlessness, terrorist bombings etc.), and she is one God uses to nuke and destroy the Islamic nations during the last days. Woe to anyone who tries to divide the land of Israel, for the judgement of God will soon take place, that includes America if she tries to divide the land of Israel.

The election of 2012 is about Good vs. Evil, about freedom vs. government control, about establishing the constitution based upon God or disregarding it and going the way of Europe and socialism and Marxism, about loving the babies and Seniors or discarding them like so much garbage. It’s a spiritual battle taking place and if the people who are called by His name don’t repent of their wicked ways and return to Him with all their heart, this land won’t be recognizable by 2016. Pray for America and Israel and for all the Christians throughout the world. And if your not born again, read Romans 10:10 and pray it out loud to God…..

Quantum Physics is Proving God “IS”

Quantum Physics is Proving God “IS”

“About 80 years ago Scientist discovered that it is possible to be in two locations at the same time; at least for an atom or a subatomic particle, such as an electron. What they cannot explain is why the universe seems to be split into these two separate and irreconcilable realities. The maddening part of the problem is that the ability of particles to exist in two places at once is not just mere theory or abstraction. It is a very real aspect of how the subatomic world works. And it has been experimentally confirmed many times over. We are now beginning to discover and understand how certain long-held biblical truths may possess scientific evidence of certainty.” Perhaps Quantum mechanics will someday catch up to the truth and reality of Genesis and how our Creator, I Am that I Am, the father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob uses His glory to create.

When reading the bible; how is it that God has the ability to be both real in the physical sense, and yet is unseen? How can God be in one place or multiple places or even every place at the same time? How can two realities exist side by side and yet one does not have the ability to see the other? God operating in the earthly realm in the person of His Son Y’Shua Messiah (Jesus) could manipulate or use quantum principles and laws to do miracles. An example is when He calmed the storm by speaking to it or turning the water into wine? Now, I am not saying that God works by quantum mechanics at all, but it does show secularist that biblical principles do have some real scientific counterparts. Us bible believing Christians speak often of the supernatural nature of God and the unseen world of His domain, of His incomprehensible power and glory.  We are not crazy or have lost our minds, but simply saying that it is a scientific fact that we encounter forces and realities beyond our world and our current understanding.

God did not create from nothing as many people have been taught and believe! Here is the proof: Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” In other words, God created things we see out of things we cannot see. First by the Spirit and second by Sounds. God said “let there be light and there was light.” Sound is everything and permeates everything including your body parts and bones. That’s why we can speak and command limbs to grow out and it happens in a flash. Oh, so you never have done this, why not? When I was living in San Jose California several years back, my son who was an early teenager had a bed wetting problem. God revealed it was because one leg was shorter than the other which was news to me. So, I set him down in a chair, held his legs out and sure enough one was about an inch or so shorter than the other one. With my wife and others standing there, I said “leg grow out and become even with the other one.” In a split second that leg grew out right before our eyes. We were all shocked, but very happy and praised God for this miracle. He never wet the bed again. I really don’t care if you doubters believe me or not, it happened to my amazement. So, how could this have happened?

Sound is everything, it permeates everything. Invisible sound when it bonds with invisible glory creates visible substance. You see sound is embedded in everything down to atoms and much further to every living particle of our bodies. So, if you speak to that mountain in your life whatever it is, and command it In Y’shua’s (Jesus) name, the thing or body hears the sound and reacts to it, even limbs. Just like speaking to your baby in the womb, it hears you and so do all the parts of your body. The sound waves inside the atoms called quirks can hear and obey human voice commands. There are many testimonies of parts actually being created by speaking to those body parts in people. Now when I spoke to my son’s leg, I did not have any great big faith, but simply didn’t doubt and commanded it to grow out. When it actually happened, I was in shock, not that it could happen, but that it did happen to my own son right before my eyes. When Y’shua (Jesus) said if you have faith of mustard seed you can say to that mountain, meaning the mountains in your life, like sickness or poverty or ANY problem you have or facing. The key is to simply trust God and don’t doubt. If God says he hears you and you know He hears you then you should be able to pray expecting an answer or command a thing expecting to see something happen.

So many people pray wishing and hoping instead of praying in belief. Why do you even pray at all if you’re just begging God? Why do you pray at all if you don’t think He will answer you prayer?  Why would you pray and say if it be your will every time you pray? Is your praying for something contrary to the word of God? If not, then stop saying that at the end of your prayers or you will not receive anything from God.  It is His will for you to have a good journey in life (which is what prosper really means, not money) to be healthy and have your needs met. Even if you live in a poor country, in a terrible state of affairs, God promises He will provide for you, so stop doubting and believe when you pray. It may not happen at once, but it will happen. Now in these last days perilous times will come and we must all keep the faith unto death, no matter what comes our way. The problems of this life are nothing to compare with the glory we will share with God in heaven.

Some of you are like Freddy the Fish, living in unbelief and doubt. Let’s imagine you are standing in a field and looking around you see a small lake or pond. Now you know from school that the lake or pond has a complete ecosystem, really another world. In that water is everything necessary for sustaining life of the fish and not only from that watery environment, but from outside of it as well. Funny thing is Freddy the Fish and all the other fish are totally unaware of the any existence or necessity of other provisions like the sun, the rain and the oxygen of the atmosphere that surrounds and intersects the water. It’s also affected by unseen elements as well, such as fertilizers, poisons, air pollution, chemicals and garbage, all dangerous to Freddie’s home. Freddy the Fish is flesh and blood, he is real just as we are but we are different types of flesh. Everything in Freddie’s world is reality and it’s physical, from beginning to end. Much of the Freddie’s world is incomprehensible to him. A fish has no idea of the photosynthesis process that takes place every minute of every day within his water. He experiences dread sometimes, that something is wrong when balances are disturbed. Freddie the Fish eats, mates, plays communicates and survives until he dies naturally or by the hook of some angler. He cannot see outside that realm, other than a glimpse of shadowy figures just above the surface of his reality which happens rarely.

Freddie the Fish has not the slightest clue of the two million species of other life forms all around him, no concept of highways, governments, politics, wars, airplanes, space or heavenly bodies of the universe. He cannot fathom factories, or mathematics, or a computer or a book. He has no ability to comprehend what lies outside the boundaries of our solar system. None of these things have ever crossed his mind. He is convinced the sum total of reality exist below the surface of the water in his lake or pond. It’s his entire world, his universe. But he is entirely wrong in his limited assessment of what is real and what is not. But consider this: We can enter Freddie the Fish’s world, but he cannot enter ours! This is the scenario of the comparable situation of the evolutionist and atheist. They are living in the lake. They deny the slightest possibility that other powers exist, other forces and realities may exist just outside of their realities, and just through the surface of this thing we call life. However God said “let there be light and there was light.” And in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and man. God thought it and Y’shua spoke it into existence just like He said He did.

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God. All things are made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto his own and his own received Him not. But as many as received Him , to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name; which are born , not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.(John 1:1 and following) Now call out to Y’shua (Jesus) to save you, repent of your sins (turn away) and give your whole heart to God before it’s too late………No one is promised tomorrow……Today is your day, call upon Him…….