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Archive for the ‘death’ Category

Christians that will wind up in the Lake of Fire

How is this possible? Let me explain.

Have you ever wondered about these verses in Matthew 7:21-23 ? “ Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? “

“ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; LEAVE ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS. “

Jesus is talking to Christians. First of all they used the term “Lord, Lord” which the Bible says “ no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” ( 1 Corinthians 12:3 )

These people did the works of God casting out demons, healing the sick and many other great things. Using the name of Jesus works and believing or having faith doing it works so what’s up with this? why did Jesus say depart from me I never knew (approved) you ?

The simple answer is they were living in sin. They went back to the sins they were committing before they were saved and never repented. They listened to doctrines of devils like being taught today in many churches and by many pastors that false teaching of hypergrace where you can do whatever you please and still go to heaven. A great example of this today is denominations teaching “Once saved always saved” This is a doctrine of devils started by Calvin. No one can keep on sinning after being born again and go to heaven, it’s a lie.

Can you imagine the millions of Christians who will be shocked on judgment day because they believed the lie?

There is a great difference between being born into the kingdom and inheriting the kingdom. 1st Corinthians 6:9 “ 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts,10nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.11And that is what some of you were.” Many people have been born into the kingdom but that doesn’t mean necessarily that they will inherit the kingdom. And there’s a difference.

You enter the kingdom through salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as He is the door. After you did if you went back into your old ways God will not let you inherit the Kingdom. None of those who commit the sins mentioned will inherit the Kingdom.

Jesus said if you don’t live Holy you won’t make it. Be ye Holy for I am Holy.

Whoever would love life 

and see good days 

must keep his tongue from evil 

and his lips from deceitful speech.

11He must turn from evil and do good; 

he must seek peace and pursue it.

12For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, 

and His ears are inclined to their prayer. 

But the face of the Lord is against 

those who do evil.”

Bottom line is live Holy so Jesus will not say to you depart from me you who do lawlessness, but will say “ Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.”

If you’ve sinned repent God will forgive you and go and sin no more….

Jesus appears 10 times after His Resurrection

Here are the 10 different appearances of Jesus :

1. Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene at the sepulcher alone as recorded in John 20: 11-18 and Mark 16: 9-11.

2. Jesus appears to certain women including “the other Mary,” Salome, Joanna, and others as they returned from the sepulcher recorded in Matthew 28: 1-10

3. Jesus appears to Simon Peter alone on the day of resurrection recorded in Luke 24:34 and 1 Corinthians 15:5.

4. Jesus appears to two disciples on the way to Emmaus on the day of the resurrection recorded fully only by Luke in chapter 24: 13-35.

5. Jesus appears to the ten disciples ( Thomas was absent) and others with them at Jerusalem on the evening of the resurrection day recorded in John 20: 19-24.

6. Jesus appears to the disciples again with Thomas present in Jerusalem recorded in Mark 16: 14-18, Luke 24: 33-40 and John 20: 26-28.

7. Jesus appears to the disciples when fishing at the Sea of Galilee recorded in John 21: 1-23.

8. Jesus appears to the eleven and over 500 men and women at once at the appointed place in Galilee recorded in 1 Corinthians 15: 6.

9. Jesus appears to James under what circumstances we don’t know recorded in 1Corinthians 15:7.

10. Jesus appears to the Apostles immediately before the ascension. They accompanied Him from Jerusalem to Mount Olivet and were there as they saw Him ascend as a cloud received him out of their sight as recorded in Mark 16: 19, Luke 24: 50-52 and Acts 1: 4-10.

Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father and is alive and is coming back for us to be with Him forever and ever for all eternity on the new heaven and the new earth. This earth will be burned up and the sinners will be thrown into the lake of fire along with Satan and his fallen angels.

Jesus also preached to the dead! He made proclamation to the spirits in prison. These are the wicked dead since the beginning of time held in hades until judgment day. Recorded in 1 Peter 3:18-20.

Jesus also preached to the righteousness dead who had kept the law under the old covenant in the Old Testament recorded in 1 Peter 4:6. And after His resurrection He released them out to heaven and many many were seen walking the streets of Jerusalem as recorded in Matthew 27: 52-53.

Today is the day of salvation repent from your heart and give your life to Jesus and be saved then get baptized. Do it now while you can. Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings

The greatest Gift you can receive…

If you believe in The Creator and His Son Jesus then you should be born again of His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, which enters you when you believe from you heart. And if you believe from you heart then you will have also been baptized in water as He commanded. And if you have been baptized in water, then your commitment to live right must follow or it’s all just a sham. Now back in the day as a youth , I believed Jesus was Gods Son and I also was baptized, but nothing really changed in my life. Why not? Because I really didn’t believe all things become new; I didn’t sincerely repent, I was just following what religion was telling me to do. Later on in high school I got baptized again and still nothing changed so I pretty much blew religion off and just lived for myself thinking none of this works.

I was wrong because much later on in life I actually started seeking the truth with all my heart. Forgetting everything I had been taught I bought myself a bible and began reading it and studying it for myself. What I found out was exactly what Jesus said “ you must be born again of the Spirit to see the kingdom of God” and how does that happen? Well it’s not by practicing religion and following their set of rules, it can only happen by Gods Grace through your faith in the truth of the Bible. And that truth is Jesus loves us and died for us and rose again and is coming again. Our part is to repent of our sins and confess Jesus as Lord after believing it from our heart and making a decision to follow Him with water baptism and then to do our best to live for him.

I’ll never forget how clean I felt and how wonderful it was to finally get saved. I finally got it. It didn’t stop there as I continued to study the Bible I saw many things I never saw before and was not taught about that are as true today in 2019 as they were in 33 A.D. those promises of God are for us today as God is no respecter of persons or of generations as His loving kindness is from generation to generation. What promises are still true for us today? All of them. These include being forgiven, being healed of sicknesses, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and all the gifts of the Spirit given to all of His choosing. Nine gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12 are: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith,gifts of healing, effecting of miracles, prophecy, distinguishing of spirits, various kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues. All given by the same Spirit distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

For by one Spirit we were ALL baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were made to drink of one Spirit. The Holy Spirit! “ Jesus Christ is the Same yesterday, today and forever. “ So there you go it’s up to you to believe the or not. Now many who do not know God or his Spirit will argue about every detail and try to tear down your beliefs but the thing is they can’t because the Holy Spirit within you knows the truth and you have seen with your spiritual eyes and your physical eyes on occasion. Once your knower inside know ( your spirit ) no one can lie to you anymore. Nor can you lie to yourself because the Holy Spirit tells you the truth and He lives inside you and never leaves you. That’s why Jesus said “ I will never leave you or forsake you” because He is always there through the Holy Spirit.

The great apostle Paul said “my message and my preaching was not with persuasive words of wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of Power” what demonstration of the Spirit and of power do we show people today? Probably not much because we don’t pursue the gifts as we are commanded to do. “But desire earnestly that you prophecy” you don’t desire earnestly because you don’t believe it? God help us in our unbelief.

I have told many people of Gods great grace of healings that have transpired over the years in my life and true believers believe but others look at at me like a deer looking into headlights which is very sad to me. You’ll never understand the working of the Spirit unless you have Him inside. I certainly don’t understand why some are healed and others are not or why I’m healed one time and not another and must see a doctor which is rare. All I know is Gods word is true and I believe it, all of it.

What I do know is Satan or his demons prowl looking for someone to devour. And what did Jesus tell the disciples? “Pray that you may not come into temptation” we must pray daily not sometimes, because this is no game it’s real life.

Some preachers say everything will be perfect when you come to Jesus, wrong! It’s much much better of course but living for God will cost you something maybe even your life! Through the storms of life you have peace because you know Jesus is there with you. The storms and the testing of your faith isn’t easy but they make your stronger and humble you to the point you finally realize it’s all about Jesus and what He did for us nothing is about us. We are just passing through so never give up and if you have then come back home where you belong, Jesus is still there. God told Israel repent and turn back to me and I will receive you. That’s exactly the same for us today. God still loves you..and the greatest gift is receiving Jesus….

Receiving Jesus (Blood Security)

Receiving Jesus (Blood Security)

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born , not of the flesh nor of the will of the flesh, nor or the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12)” I would suggest you read that verse over a few times until it really sinks into your spirit what the true meaning of it is. Jesus said you must be born again of the Spirit.

Taken in the context of the entire first chapter of John, it relates that Jesus is the word and became flesh and lived among us for of His fullness we have received grace upon grace. What exactly is His fullness and how do we actually receive Him? Is there some special act or work or thing we must do?

Jesus is everything and Jesus plus something is heresy. Jesus is the exact representation of God the Father and they are one and so is the Holy Spirit. Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh but never sinned. He verified His work and who He is by the miracles He performed. No one killed Him. He laid down His life willingly for all mankind that they might be saved. Everyone who has ever lived are sinners and there is no hope except through Jesus. Because of His great love for us He became sin on the cross and all the wrath of God was placed upon Him at that moment in time. The blood He shed became the payment, sprinkled in heaven in the Holy of Holies in a place not made with hands. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness, so Jesus bled for us. The bible says He actually became the substitute for mankind. He actually took our place and satisfied the penalty for us that entire sacrifice that God required.

Religious people who love to keep others in bondage to them and their group list several things you must do to be saved, or justified or sanctified or made holy but they are all lies. Because Jesus is the only answer and cried out on the cross it is finished. What is it? It is just what was said above. He came to fulfill the law and now there is grace for those that believe. Can water wash away your sins? No! Only the blood of Jesus can do that and it is done by faith through Gods grace from the heart. Water baptism is commanded and should be done ASAP after your born again to symbolize the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and that is what it is, a symbol and agreement of what you already believe in your heart. Jesus plus something is heresy. Jesus alone is the answer. You connect to Jesus blood by your faith not by baptism and it must come from your believing heart. It amazes me that God said without faith it impossible to please Him, so those who have not learned to use their faith and release it to God turn to acts or rules because they just don’t believe it.

Jesus said in Matthew 26:28 “For this is the blood of my covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness (remission) of sins.” Acts 10:43 says “Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him RECEIVES forgiveness of sins” Romans 3:24,25 states “being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation (payment, substitute) IN HIS BLOOD THROUGH FAITH…” Much more then, having now been justified by HIS BLOOD, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.” Hebrews 13:20 says “Now the God of peace who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18,19 “ knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver and gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with THE PRECIOUS BLOOD as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. Ephesians 1:7 says “In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through HIS BLOOD, the forgiveness of sins of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace.” Revelation 1:5 “ …and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins BY HIS BLOOD.” And finally in Revelation 5:9 “Worthy are you to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain and purchased for God WITH YOUR BLOOD from every tongue and people and nation.

“For it is the Fathers good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him (Jesus) and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through THE BLOOD OF THE CROSS; THROUGH HIM…”Don’t be deceived by religion, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by Him and His Blood by Faith through grace. Everyone is given a measure of Faith equally so don’t say you have no faith, you might not know how to release it, but God will help you if you ask. How do you receive Jesus? Simply by calling out to Him, confessing He is the Messiah and the only Son of God and knowing He was raised from the dead and asking Him to come into your heart and make you born again believing His Blood washes away all your sin past present and future.

A final word to those who are cowards: Jesus mentions Cowards as the first named to be cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8) Why would the cowards be mentioned first? Because the cowards want to please their families, their friends, their schoolmates and the world. They are afraid to be ridiculed for being a Christian. They are afraid and don’t want any sort of persecution to come their way because they believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah. They are coward’s period. Jesus said whoever loves Father or Mother or sister or brother more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever is not willing to take up you cross daily and follow Jesus is not worthy to enter into the Kingdom of God. Don’t be a coward and be loss, Jesus loves you so much; call out now to Him to save you and fill you with His Holy Spirit while there is still time. Blessed be the Name of The LORD……..

Coronavirus will not harm the redeemed!

First and foremost read Psalms 91 and believe it. No plague will come near your tent(house)

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

2I will say to the LORD, “You are my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”

3Surely He will deliver you

from the snare of the fowler,

and from the deadly plague.

4He will cover you with His feathers;

under His wings you will find refuge;

His faithfulness is a shield and rampart.

5You will not fear the terror of the night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,

6nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

nor the calamity that destroys at noon.

7Though a thousand may fall at your side,

and ten thousand at your right hand,

no harm will come near you.

8You will only see it with your eyes

and witness the punishment of the wicked.

9Because you have made the LORD your dwelling—

my refuge, the Most High—

10no evil will befall you,

no plague will approach your tent.

11For He will command His angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways.

12They will lift you up in their hands,

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13You will tread on the lion and cobra;

you will trample the young lion and serpent.

14“Because he loves Me, I will deliver him;

because he knows My name, I will protect him.

15When he calls out to Me,

I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble.

I will deliver him and honor him.

16With long life I will satisfy him

and show him My salvation.”

This is for all the redeemed, the believers in Jesus Christ living holy lives. Not for the sinners or unbelievers, Are you following Jesus? If not repent and and call on Jesus to save you and forgive you in this sinful world..

The real tragedy of compromising on same sex marriage

Jesus was discussing the sin of adultery with the Apostles and made the statement: “ You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. “ But I say to you that everyone looking upon a woman in order to lust after her already has committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:27-28) So the real sin is in the heart, it doesn’t have to be following through with the physical act.

The same is true of the sin of homosexuality. If you agree with same sex marriage and homosexuality, you have sinned in your heart and you will be judged on that basis even though you may not have been involved in the physical act yourself. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” If you agree homosexuality is ok, you become a homosexual in your heart, just the same as an adulterer, the thought in you heart makes you an adulterer and you will be judged as one.

All sin is judged and written about in the Bible but the sin of homosexuality is especially called out because it is sinning against your own body and evil spirits of perversion come and take up residence in your soul. That’s why there is such a mental and emotional battle in a homosexual’s mind causing sickness depression or other issues because at one time they knew deep inside their soul it’s a major sin and they will not make it to heaven, so all they have is this life and they know it, but love their sin to much to change, they choose eternal damnation for the few years of a homosexual relationship, how sad.

Many places in the Bible there is great warning against homosexuality, so if people are warned they are able to stop it and repent just like an adulterer can stop it, repent and be forgiven. Romans says God gives them over to a reprobate mind to do what dishonors them because they reject truth and God. Romans 1:25 “They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.” “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”

1st Corinthians 6:9-11 goes even further and states: “ Or do you not know that the unrighteous ones will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor coveters, not drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Clearly homosexuals will not go to heaven including the deceived “supposedly Christian homosexuals” (which is impossible). But wait, look: “And some of you were such. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” So there you go, some WERE in the same boat, but repented and now are on their way to heaven. No sin is beyond the blood of Jesus!

Lastly, in the final book of the Bible, Revelation 22:15 the warning of hell is given, “Outside are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the sexually immoral, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and everyone loving and practicing lying.” It’s plain as the nose on your face; homosexuality is sexual immorality and a mortal sin because you are sinning against your own body that God gave you which is suppose to be His temple for the Holy Spirit to reside, not evil spirits and demons invited in by homosexual sin. There is hope in Jesus and salvation in his name. And don’t be deceived, if you compromise on this issue you will be judged just the same…